Direct Debit
Direct Debit Payment Plan is a pre-arrangement between
BEL, a customer and local banks in which a said amount
will be deducted from the customer’s Savings, Checking, or
Check Savings Account to pay a customer’s electricity bill.

How does it work?

  • The customer will authorize the local bank or
    financial institution to deduct an agreed sum from
    their bank account as determined by the amount on
    the electricity bill.

  • The local bank or financial institution informs BEL of
    the request.

  • On a monthly basis, BEL will provide the bank or
    financial institution with the amount due on the
    Customer’s electricity bill.

  • The amount on the electricity bill will be deducted
    from the Customer’s bank account (and will be paid
    to BEL).

What do customers need to do?

  • Customers need to visit their bank of choice and
    request to set up the direct debit and information to
    be sent to Belize Electricity Limited, Credit Control