Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) is passionate about giving back to the communities we serve. Learn about some of the ways in
which BEL aims at staying true to its mission by serving not just its customers, but all Belizeans.
The Christmas Hamper and Christmas Breakfast Drive are two
special annual events made possible by the generous contributions
of BEL employees and the Company.

For the 15th consecutive year, employees raised funds along with
financial support from the Company, to provide 54 deserving
families across the country with hampers containing the main
ingredients for a traditional Christmas meal. They also served
breakfast on Christmas day
to the elderly at the Raymond Parks
Shelter, Golden Haven Rest Home,residents of Gaan's Rest House
and the Belize Mental Association Resource Center.
Christmas Hamper and Christmas Breakfast Drive
Building for Change
Golden Citizen's Bill Pay Program
The Golden Citizens Bill Pay Award Program continued in 2013. Under this initiative, the Company pays the monthly  
electricity bill
of over 100 senior citizens. The Company also hosted a Tea Party at HelpAge Belize
To learn more about BEL's community outreach initiatives contact BEL by clicking here.
Employees readily volunteered to build a home for an
underprivileged family in Belize City with the support of Hand in
Hand Ministries. Another outreach initiative took employees to
Cayo District to build the first portion of a walkway at the MacaI River
Park in San Ignacio Town, to facilitate recreational activities for
residents in the area.
To assist  the Red Cross' Soup Kitchen and the Belize Hospice Palliative Care Foundation meet  their  financial  needs,
employees participated in the Social Security Board's Ride Across Belize event. Employees also participated in Dara's Ride
for Hunger, to provide funding for underprivileged children.

Other community involvement initiatives included financial support to Lifeline Foundation's fundraising  efforts. The Company
also provided financial assistance to the National Under 15 Football team and Belize Scouts Association,amongst  several
other outreach activities.
Other Initiatives