Shareholder Registration Form
2023 Annual General Meeting

7:00 p.m. Thursday, June 20, 2024

Registration deadline: 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Privacy statement: BEL commits to using the information entered here for the sole purpose of conducting its meeting of Shareholders. The information will not be shared with any third party or used for any other reason without the expressed permission of the participants.

Please provide a valid surname.
Surname as it appears on your Social Security card.
Please provide a valid name.
First name as it appears on your Social Security card.
Please provide a valid name.
Middle name as it appears on your Social Security card.
Please provide a valid phone number.
Please include your area code. We may use this to contact you.
Please provide a valid email address.
This email is used to attend the virtual AGM.
Please provide a valid input.
Type the name of the Company, Organization or Shareholder you are representing (type ‘self’ if you are representing yourself).
Would you be attending as Shareholder or proxy?

Neither (I won't attend but will appoint a proxy)
Kindly submit a copy of your Social Security card.